Monday, August 22, 2016

Can meat and poultry be frozen in original packaging?

Proper packaging helps maintain quality and prevent freezer burn. It is safe to freeze meat or poultry directly in its original packaging, however this type of wrap is permeable to air and quality may diminish over time. For prolonged storage, overwrap these packages as you would any food for long-term storage. It is not necessary to rinse meat and poultry. Freeze unopened vacuum packages as is. If you notice that a package has accidentally been torn or has opened while food is in the freezer, the food is still safe to use; merely overwrap or rewrap it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How long can I freeze pork?

Frozen foods are safe indefinitely. For best quality, fresh pork roast, steaks, chops or ribs should be used within 4 - 6 months; fresh ground pork, pork liver or variety meats should be used within 3 - 4 months; and home cooked pork; soups, stews or casseroles within 2 - 3 months. After that they will still be safe but may lose quality or dry out.For more information about pork visit: Fresh Pork from Farm to Table.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Study: Millennials leave jobs over outdated office technology

The Future Workforce Study, from Dell and Intel, shows that 42% of millennials will leave an office space if it is outdated. More than half of those in the study believe their office will become "smart" by incorporating virtual reality and the internet of things over the next five years. -

Emergency Preparedness at Home – Are You Ready?

Emergency Preparedness at Home – Are You Ready? Your family’s safety is #1 so learn how to be prepared for an emergency in your home with these evacuation plan tips and emergency kit checklist -