Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fats role in Type 2 diabetes

It is known that people develop type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) due to increased insulin
resistance and diminished pancreatic beta cells (b-cells) which produce insulin. When the
human body is unable to produce insulin to regulate blood glucose levels a person will
develop T2DM. Many factors play a role in developing T2DM; genetics, sugar consumption,
fat consumption, lack of exercise, weight status (BMI), and others. This paper looks at how
ingesting high fat diets, particularly diets high in saturated fat, can cause diabetes.
Insulin works by locking onto a cell wall which activates the inside of the cell to allow blood glucose to come in the cell and out of the blood stream. Increased insulin resistance occurs when insulin latches onto the cell and the mechanism inside the cell
fails to allow glucose into the cell. According to Bosma, M., Kersten, S., Hesselink, M.K.C., & Schrauwen, P., (2011) increased intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) levels, which are associated with obesity, negatively correlate with insulin sensitivity. This means
an accumulation of fat in the muscle is associated with a reduction in insulin mediated glucose uptake.
They go on to indicate that the mechanism for cell inhibition of uptake of blood glucose is still under investigation. There are possible connections to lipid intermediates. These intermediates somehow stop the signaling process once insulin attaches to
the cell. The enzymes which should activate to signal the glucose transporter never start their process. This leads to blood glucose being left outside the cell which elevates blood glucose levels.
Insulin resistance is half the problem when developing T2DM. Decline of b-cell function also contributes to the disease. It can start by a person consuming excess fat/calories, causing excess muscle fat buildup, which can lead to a decrease in pancreatic
function to release insulin. According to Taylor, R., (2013) fatty muscles happen when caloric intake is greater than expenditure. This results in a buildup of fat in the liver. As the amount of fat in the liver increases, insulin sensitivity in the liver decreases. Since a fatty liver can become deadly, the liver will try to release fat in the form of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). The pancreatic islets are therefore exposed to increased levels of VLDL. People respond individually to different levels
of this fat exposure, but at a point the b-cells will fail to adequately respond, resulting in cell death and elevated blood glucose levels.
This pancreatic b-cells apoptosis is what can lead to T2DM becoming a lifelong disease. A study by Cnop, M., et al. (2010) concluded that people’s b-cells formation is largely established by age 20. This would imply that when the b-cells are destroyed by VLDL exposure, they are gone for the remaining lifespan of the person, decreasing the person’s ability to produce insulin to
decrease blood glucose levels. When discussing fat consumption, it is also important to determine whether it is all fat or certain fats that can lead to IMCL, insulin resistance, and b-cell loss. From in vitro studies described by Nolan, C.J., & Larter, C. Z., (2009) it is known that saturated
fatty acids (SFA) are toxic to cells while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are cytoprotective. Martins, A.R., et al., corroborates the connection that SFAs and trans fats are linked to increased insulin resistance. There are multiple theories about how SFAs effect insulin sensitivity. Some of these are SFAs alter gene expression, activation of inflammatory pathways, Rande cycle (competition between SFAs and glucose), SFAs inhibition of cell signaling, and impairment of the mitochondria.
Studies and discussions of these theories indicate that multiple processes contribute rather than a single mechanism.
SFAs and trans fat are most commonly found in animal products. When looking at the correlation between meat and T2DM The InterAct Consortium, (2012) found a positive association between high consumption of total and red meat and T2DM in a large cohort of European adults. Studies by Gojda, J., et al., (2013) and Goff, L.M., Bell, J.D., So, P-W., Dornhorst, A., & Frost, G.S.,
(2005) compared vegans to omnivores with the same BMI and activity level. They concluded that vegans had better insulin sensitivity, lower IMCL, better glucose hemeostasis, plasma lipid profile, less muscle lipids, and improved b-cell function. They conclude that eating less to no meat may help protect people from developing T2DM. Studies of chronic disease support that everyone, not only patients with T2DM, may benefit by reducing their fat intake, particularly saturated fat and trans fat, to ensure proper function of cells and vital organs to prevent chronic diseases from
progressing. Diet plays an important role in disease prevention and treatment. Boucher, Evert, Daly, Kulkarni, Rizzotto, Burton and Bradshaw (2011) state that the three pillars of diabetic treatment are nutrition, physical activity, and medication therapy and that the most important of these is a healthy diet.
Boucher, J. L., Evert, A., Daly, A., Kulkarni, K., Rizzotto, J., Burton, K., & Bradshaw, B. G. (2011). American Dietetic Association
revised Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance for registered dietitians (generalist, specialty,
and advanced) in diabetes care. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 111, 156-166. doi: 10.1016/
Bosma, M., Kersten, S., Hesselink, M.K.C., & Schrauwen, P., (2011). Re-evaluating lipotoxic triggers in skeletal muscle: Relating
intramyocellular lipid metabolism to insulin sensitivity. Progress in Lipid Research, 51, 36-49. Doi: 10.1016/
Cnop, M., Hughes. S.J., Igoillo-Esteve, M., Hoppa, M.B., Sayyed, F., Laar, L., … & Clark, A., (2010). The long lifespan and low
turnover of human islet beta cells estimated by mathematical modeling of lipofuscin accumulation. Diabetologia, 53,
321-330. Doi: 10.1007/s00125-009-1562-x
Goff, L.M., Bell, J.D., So, P-W., Dornhorst, A., & Frost, G.S., (2005). Veganism and its relationship with insulin resistance and
intramyocellular lipid. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59, 291-298. Doi: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602076
Gojda, J., Patkova, J., Jacek, M., Potockova, J., Trnka, J., Krami, P., & Andel, M., (2013). Higher insulin sensitivity in vegans is not
associated with higher mitochondrial density. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67, 1310-1315. Doi: 10.1038/
Martins, A.R., Nachbar, R.T., Gorjao, R., Vinolo, M.A., Festuccia, W.T., Lambertucci, F.H., … & Hirabara, S.M., (2012).
Mechanisms underlying skeletal muscl insulin resistance induced by fatty acids: importance of the mitochondrial
function. Lipids in Healht and Disease, 11, 30. Doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-11-30
Nolan, C.J., & Larter, C.Z., (2009). Lipotoxicity: Why do saturated fatty acids cause and monounsaturates protect against it?.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24, 203-711. Doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2009.05823.x
Taylor, R., (2013). Banting memorial lecture 2012 reversing the twin cycles of type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 30, 267-275.
Doi: 10.1111/dme.12039
The InterAct Consortium, (2012). Association between dietary meat consumption and incident type 2 diabetes: The EPICInteraAct
study. Diabetologia, 56, 47-59. Doi: 10.1007/s00125-012-2718-7

7 myths about celebrating the holidays with diabetes and tips to conquer these common misconceptions

November is National Diabetes Month. It’s also the start of the holiday season.
Are you dreading the coming months of celebrations, wondering how you’ll
manage the holidays and diabetes? Read on for 7 myths about celebrating the
holidays with diabetes and tips to conquer these common misconceptions.
Myth 1: Having diabetes takes the joy out of holiday feasts
It doesn’t have to. It really doesn’t. Many special homemade dishes are prepared
just for the holidays, and you can definitely partake. Choose small portions of
your favorites, eat mindfully, and enjoy every bite. Eating slowly is important,
and you will enjoy it more if you savor it. Try putting your fork down between
bites. Another option is to bring your own favorite dish that’s healthy and
delicious. Try my seasonal salad. You can feel good about sharing healthy food,
and you’ll guarantee there’s a good option for you on the table. Last, but not
least, focus on the people around you. Celebrating holidays together is about
showing the people you care about just how much you love them. Taking care of
your own health is one way you can show you love your family – that you are
committed to being around for more of life’s celebrations.
Myth 2: Sweets and sugary drinks make it impossible to manage diabetes
This is a tricky one since chances are you will encounter sugar cookies and hot
chocolate at some point during the holiday season. However, that doesn’t mean
they have to derail you from managing your own health. If it’s something you
love, have a small portion, combine it with protein and fiber to help blunt the
blood sugar spike if you can (e.g. a handful of pistachios or almonds), and adjust
the carbohydrates you have in other meals that day. If you can find a healthy
nosh to replace something sweet, even better. As an alternative to sugary drinks,
I honestly think clean plain water is so underrated. It’s so refreshing, and there’s
even preliminary research suggesting drinking water half an hour before meals
helps you eat less.
Myth 3: Artificial sweeteners are the best way to satisfy your sweet tooth
Foods sweetened with artificial sweeteners that won’t raise blood sugar (e.g.
Stevia, Splenda, Sweet ‘N Low, Nutrasweet) are an OK option if that’s what’s
right for you, but I prefer to recommend a long term solution of training your
palate to prefer naturally less sweet tastes. Another concern, based on early
research published in 2014 in the journal Nature, suggests that artificial
sweeteners affect the body in a way that leads to diabetes. Keep in mind that
this research is far from conclusive; still, there are many compelling reasons to
manage diabetes with natural, whole foods.
Myth 4: There’s no time to exercise during the holidays
There’s always time for exercise, but what is sometimes missing is
motivation or opportunity. Assuming you are motivated, let’s look at how to
provide opportunity. The time just after a meal is a great time to go for a
walk with those you’ve just dined with. You can also just help clear the table. Another idea is to make your holiday plans active.
For example, plan a group hike for the day after Thanksgiving and make an event of it (or join a local turkey trot).
Myth 5: It’s OK to go out of your target glucose range during the holidays
I think you already know the answer to this one. Of course it’s not OK. The good news is you can use the tips and tricks in this
article to help manage blood sugar while still enjoying the holidays. When you keep your blood sugar in its target range you’ll
feel better (good for you), which in turn makes you better company (good for your loved ones). Even short-term dips and spikes
can quickly escalate to hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, or diabetic ketoacidosis. Long term, out of control blood sugar can
damage blood vessels that go to important organs, leading to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and vision and nerve issues.
There are so many reasons to get diabetes under control – just look in the mirror and all around you. Everyone who loves you
wants you to be healthy and around for years to come.
Myth 6: You are all alone dealing with diabetes
Whether you are staying local or traveling this holiday season, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find a local CVS that
offers diabetes support. A CVS MinuteClinic is a great everyday resource to help you manage diabetes between doctor’s visits.
MinuteClinic can also help screen you for high blood glucose, which is how diabetes and prediabetes is diagnosed. This is
especially important because 1 in 3 Americans have prediabetes, but 90% of those have no idea. Prediabetes has few
symptoms, yet puts a person at risk for developing diabetes. Getting screened sooner rather than later could mean being able
to prevent diabetes. Check out a local CVS MinuteClinic for more information. MinuteClinic also has heart-healthy recipes,
great for the whole family with new #FoodieFriday recipes each week.
Myth 7: Flu affects people with and without diabetes the same way
The holidays overlap with flu season. Coincidence? Could all the stress, over-indulging, and travel during the holiday season
make us more susceptible to flu? Scientists don’t know for sure, but what we do know is that it gets even more complicated for
people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2), whose immune systems have a harder time fighting off infections. Even if diabetes is
being well-managed, there’s an increased risk of serious flu complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections, and
ear infections. To add insult to injury, being sick makes it harder to control blood sugars.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that anyone older than 6 months with diabetes gets a flu shot. The CDC says
the shot is safe for people with diabetes, but to bypass the nasal spray option. Since flu is highly contagious, getting a flu shot
isn’t just good for you, it’s good for the friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues you come into contact with. It’s easy to get a
flu shot at your local MinuteClinic or CVS. Bonus: there’s a good chance it’ll be free with your insurance.
Source: Maggie Moon, MS, RD. 7 Myths about Celebrating the Holidays with Diabetes. Available at: http://www.maggiemoon.com/foodposts/
health/7-myths-about-celebrating-the-holidays-with-diabetes/. Used with permission.

Monday, October 30, 2017

New Mexico agricultural development, promotional funds available Application deadline is Nov. 15

New Mexico agricultural development, promotional funds available Application deadline is Nov. 15 (Las Cruces, New Mexico) – Are you part of the New Mexico agriculture industry? Do you have a development, marketing or promotional idea for your product or business? Or do you belong to a group that has an innovative idea? The New Mexico Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for its Agricultural Development and Promotion Funds Program. Grant amounts range from approximately $500 to $10,000 for individual applicants and up to $30,000 for joint initiatives. The application deadline is Nov. 15. The ADPFP was designed to promote agricultural growth and rural stability, maintain or increase market share for products already on the market, develop markets for new products and develop value-added products. “Agriculture in New Mexico is diverse, and our products have become popular across the world,” said New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture Jeff Witte. “These limited funds allow our producers and processors an opportunity to develop and expand markets and help produce jobs and economic growth, especially in rural areas of New Mexico.” Not only may funds be applied to specialty crops, such as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, horticulture and nursery crops, but funds may also be used for projects that support the marketing efforts of the livestock industry including beef, sheep and wool, poultry and other livestock. Funds may not be used for start-up costs or common costs of doing business, and projects must be completed before June 30, 2018. Payment is on a reimbursement basis. If you have a project you believe qualifies for funding, please contact the NMDA Marketing and Development Division at 575-646-4929 or specialtycrops@nmda.nmsu.edu. A brochure is available at www.nmda.nmsu.edu under quick links, and an application template is available at www.nmda.nmsu.edu by selecting divisions, then marketing and development, then competitive grant programs. Letters announcing funding decisions will be mailed by Dec. 15. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NMDepartmentofAg and follow us on Twitter @NMDeptAg. - NMDA -

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Canning Green Chili


Green Chile Stew Recipe

Green Chile Stew

This traditional  green chile stew dish from New Mexico can be made with just chiles and meat, or a variety of other ingredients and seasonings can be added. So, cooks should experiment with the recipe until they find the perfect combination and then keep a pot of stew in the refrigerator for cold winter days!

Green Chile Stew
8 green New Mexican chiles, roasted, peeled, stems and seeds removed, chopped
2 pounds lean pork, cut into 1 1/2 inch cubes
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 large onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 small tomatoes, peeled and chopped (optional)
1 large potato, diced (optional)
1 quart beef broth

Brown the pork in the oil, then remove and drain. Add the onion and garlic to the oil and sauté until soft. Place all the ingredients in a kettle or crockpot and simmer for 2 hours, or until the meat is very tender and starts to fall apart.
Serving Suggestions: Serve as an entreé with warm flour tortillas as a side dish, or use as a basis for other dishes such as the following: place a serving of the stew on fried corn tortillas, top with poached eggs and grated cheddar cheese and serve as an entreé for s Southwestern brunch.

Green Chile Lasagna Recipe

Green Chile Lasagna

Try this spicy alternative using hatch green chile!

1 & 1/2 lb. roasted, peeled green chile
1 & 1/2 lb. lasagna noodles
Ricotta cheese
1 qt. spaghetti sauce
2 lb. mozzarella cheese
8 oz. Parmesan cheese
8 oz. grated Romano cheese
5 large eggs
Salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil, thyme, oregano


Mix eggs, ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, Romano cheese, 1/2 mozzarella cheese, roasted & peeled green chile, mix well.  Put aside till needed.  Season to taste with salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil, thyme, and oregano.  Cook noodles till soft then cool with cool water in a strainer.  Spray a 6 x 9 x 2 baking pan with cooking spray then place noodles in pan side by side in one layer.  Spread 1/2 of the cheese mix on first layer, next spread spaghetti sauce over the cheese and repeat process.  Preheat oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.  Place pan in oven for 30 to 40 minutes.  Lightly brown on top.  Serve hot and enjoy our Green Chile Lasagna recipe!

A new twist: Hatch Green Chile Fritatta!

Hatch Green Chile Fritatta


3 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 white onion, finely diced
12 roasted green chilies, peeled, seeded & diced.
8 extra large eggs, well beaten
1 Tbsp. ground cumin
Salt & Pepper to taste
3 cups shredded Jack & Cheddar cheese blend
Warmed flour tortillas
Homemade Salsa

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a large oven proof skillet with a no-stick spray.  Melt the butter till it begins to froth, do not let the butter burn.  Add the diced onion to the skillet, cook until the onion is translucent.
Add the green chili to the skillet, stir to blend them with the onion.
Add the ground cumin, salt & pepper to the beaten eggs, pour into the skillet.
Working from the edges of the skillet, lift the cooked egg and let the uncooked portions run underneath.  Continue until the top of the Frittata is just a bit uncooked.
Add all the shredded cheese, and mix it gently into the remaining soft uncooked egg.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, until the Fritatta has puffed up and the cheese is slightly browned.
Serve cut into wedges with warmed tortillas and salsa if desired. 
Serves 4 to 6.

Recipe provided by: Barbara Rose Farber (New Mexico)

Hatch Green Chile Enchiladas Recipe

Home / Hatch Green Chile Recipes / Hatch Green Chile Enchiladas
Hatch Green Chile Enchiladas

Green Chile Enchiladas

1 cup roasted, chopped green chiles
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 cups water
2 chicken bullion cubes
2 tablespoons flour
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon ground oregano
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 small onion, finely diced
6 flour tortillas (not large)
1 package mixed Tex-Mex cheese (or favorite mix)
1 1/2 pounds chicken, thawed
* Black beans are a great extra ingredient or use as a substitute for meat
To make sauce: Heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat then add onion and garlic and saute on low-medium heat for 5 minutes
Without letting onions brown, raise heat to medium and slowly stir in flour and spices, stirring for 2 minutes
When it just begins to color, remove from heat and add water and bullion cubes, stirring constantly
Add chopped green chile and bring to a boil, cover and simmer on low for about 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes
While sauce is cooking, pan cook or grill chicken in desired spices
Now, wrap chicken, cheese mix and some sauce in tortillas and place in baking dish and smother with more sauce and a little more cheese
Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes

Green Chile Meat Enchiladas

½ lb lean ground beef 1 T flour 1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 dozen corn tortillas (cut in ¼) 1/2 lb. grated Monterey Jack cheese 2 Cups of green chile, roasted, peeled and chopped 1 C Milk 1 small diced onion Cook ground beef in a large skillet on medium high until brown. Sprinkle 1T flour over beef and stir. Next add green chile, soup, and milk to mixture. Stir until hot and bubbling. Next add raw flour tortillas to mixture and stir until flour tortillas are soft. In a casserole pan layer cheese and mixture until the mixture is gone. Bake uncovered in 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes. In the last 5 minutes, sprinkle top with cheese. Remove when enchiladas are thick and cheese has melted completely. Let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Chili Rellenos Recipe

Chile Rellenos

Traditional Chile Relleno

The Big Jim  & Joe E. Parker Chilies make excellent rellenos (stuffed chiles) because the pods are large and meaty, but any of the New Mexican varieties work well in this recipe. Top these chile rellenos with either Classic Green Chile Sauce or Red Chile Sauce.

Serves: 2

4 green New Mexican Chiles, roasted, peeled, with stems left on
1/4 pound cheddar cheese or Monterey Jack, cut in sticks
3 eggs, separated
1 tablespoon water
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
flour for dredging
vegetable oil for frying

Directions: Make a slit in the side of each chile, and stuff the chiles with the cheese sticks. Dredge the chiles with the flour. Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Beat the yolks with the water, flour, and salt until thick and creamy. Fold the yolks into the whites. Dip the chiles in the mixture and fry in 2 to 3 inches of oil until they are a golden brown.

Serving suggestions: Serve with shredded lettuce and guacamole, Spanish rice, and re-fried beans.

Recipe provided by Dave Dewitt and Nancy Gerblach.

Dabaw’s Chile Relleno

This recipe is from our great-grandma, Grace Berridge. We love this recipe because the batter is fluffy, crunch, and all together perfect.

FILLING (two choices):

1.  Brown seasoned hamburger and onion, stir in grated cheese while hot to melt.      OR

2.  Use strips of your favorite cheese (Monterey Jack, Colby, Asadero, etc…)


 Combine 1 Cup flour with 2 tsp salt and 1 tsp pepper on plate.
 Beat 4 egg whites until stiff, fold in egg yolks; add 1 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt.
Roast and peel long straight green chile, slit side open, take out seeds carefully.  Carefully stuff chile with your choice of filling.  Roll stuffed chile in flour, dusting both sides.  Dip chile in egg batter.  Fry in 1/2 inch of oil on medium high heat until browned on both sides.

Skinny Chile Relleno

4-6 Roasted and Peeled Hatch Green Chile Pods

6 strips (4-5” long) Low-Fat Cheese

¼ Cup Flour

1 C Panko Bread Crumbs

3 Egg Whites

Instructions: Slit chile pod close to the stem and remove seeds (but not the vein). Stuff cheese inside the chile pod. Roll stuffed chile in flour, then dip in egg whites. Next, roll chile in panko bread crumbs.  Once the chile is prepped, then fry the chile in ½ inch of olive oil or coconut oil.

Beer Batter Chile Relleno

FILLING (two choices):

1.  Brown seasoned hamburger and onion, stir in grated cheese while hot to melt.      OR

2.  Use strips of your favorite cheese (Monterey Jack, Colby, Asadero, etc…)


 Combine 1 Cup flour with 2 tsp salt and 1 tsp pepper in a mixing bowl.
 Pour in half of a 12oz beer (the darker the beer the better the flavor) into the flour mixture and stir until the consistency is thick and creamy. If needed, pour beer slowly into the batter until the desired consistency is reached.
Use roasted and peeled chiles, and remove seeds. Stuff the cleaned chile with your choice of cheese or meat filing. Roll stuffed chile in flour, dusting both sides.  Dip chile in beer batter so the chile is very coated. Fry in 1/2 inch of oil on medium high heat until browned on both sides. Then salt to taste.

Ready for kindergarten? Here are the apps that can help make the difference

Inexpensive -- and free -- mobile apps can help kindergarten students develop reading skills, asserts kindergarten and first-grade teacher Devin Walsh. In this commentary, Walsh lists several promising ones, including digital storytelling apps.
The Hechinger Report - http://hechingerreport.org/teacher-voice-ready-kindergarten-apps-can-help-make-difference/

Five Things to Know About the Opioid Epidemic and its Effect on Children Child Trends

Opioids are highly addictive drugs, available in illegal forms like heroin, or legal ones like oxycodone, hydrocodone, or morphine, which are available through a prescription. A drastic increase in the abuse of prescription opioids has gained national attention on multiple fronts, and for good reason. This is what you need to know about the epidemic and how it affects children. https://www.childtrends.org/child-trends-5/5-things-know-opioid-epidemic-effect-children/

U.S. Child Safety Seat Laws: Are They Effective, and Who Complies?

U.S. Child Safety Seat Laws: Are They Effective, and Who Complies?
Lauren E. Jones and Nicolas R. Ziebarth
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
This paper assesses the effectiveness of child safety seat laws in the United States. Over the past 35 years, these laws have steadily increased mandatory child safety seat restraint ages. We exploit state-year level variation in the age until which children are required to ride in child safety seats to estimate triple difference models using Fatality Analysis Reporting System
(FARS) data from 1975 to 2011. Our findings show that increasing the age thresholds is effective in increasing the actual age of children in safety seats. Across the child-age distribution, restraint rates increase by between 10 and 30 percentage points or by between 50 and 170 percent, in the long run. We also estimate the impact of the child safety seat laws on the likelihood that a child dies in a fatal accident. We find that the laws saved up to 39 children per year. Finally, we find that the laws primarily induce compliant parents to switch from traditional seatbelt use to child safety seat use, with only small effects among parents who do not restrain their children.
Media Report: Car Seat Laws for Older Kids Have Limited Impact -

Parent-Toddler Behavior and Language Differ When Reading Electronic and Print Picture Books

Gabrielle A. Strouse and Patricia A. Ganea
Frontiers in Psychology

Little is known about the language and behaviors that typically occur when adults read electronic books with infants and toddlers, and which are supportive of learning. In this study, we report differences in parent and child behavior and language when reading print versus electronic versions of the same books, and investigate links between behavior and vocabulary learning. Parents of 102 toddlers aged 17–26 months were randomly assigned to read two commercially available electronic books or two print format books with identical content with their toddler. After reading, children were asked to identify an animal labeled in one of the books in both two-dimensional (pictures) and three-dimensional (replica objects) formats. Toddlers who were read the electronic books paid more attention, made themselves more available for reading, displayed more positive affect, participated in more page turns, and produced more content-related comments during reading than those who were read the print versions of the books. Toddlers also correctly identified a novel animal labeled in the book more often when they had read the electronic than the traditional print books. Availability for reading and attention to the book acted as mediators in predicting children’s animal choice at test, suggesting that electronic books supported children’s learning by way of increasing their engagement and attention. In contrast to prior studies conducted with older children, there was no difference between conditions in behavioral or off-topic talk for either parents or children. More research is needed to determine the potential hazards and benefits of new media formats for very young children. http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00677/full

CDC reports 40-year-high suicide rate among US teen girls

 The rate of suicide among teen girls ages 15 to 19 doubled between 2007 and 2015, marking the highest rate in 40 years, according to a report from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. Researchers also found that suicide rates among boys increased 31% during the same period. CNN - http://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/03/health/teen-suicide-cdc-study-bn/index.html

Good jobs without a BA degree

The United States has 30 million "good jobs" -- characterized by median earnings of $55,000 -- for individuals without a bachelor's degree, and CTE can help people on the pathway to these jobs. Read more - http://ctepolicywatch.acteonline.org/2017/07/good-jobs-without-a-ba.html

Friday, August 11, 2017

Packing Safe School Lunches

Dear Parents,  During the rush of a busy morning, packing a safe lunch for your child can be easily forgotten.  Children are more likely than healthy adults to be victims of foodborne illness.  Harmful bacteria rapidly grows and multiplies between temperatures of  40:F and 140:F.   Your child’s health is important.  Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.  Use the following tips to “Pack Food Safety with Your Child’s School Lunch”.

To Start, Pack Smart!
You have lots of choices for packing lunches. Insulated, soft-sided lunch boxes or bags are best for
keeping food cold, but metal or plastic lunch boxes and paper bags can also be used.
If using paper lunch bags, create layers by double bagging to insulate the food.
Pack only the amount of food that will be eaten at lunch to avoid having leftovers.
Cross-contamination can occur by reusing packaging materials such as: paper or plastic
bags, food wraps and aluminum foil. At lunchtime, have your child discard all used food
packaging and bags; they could contaminate other food and cause foodborne illness. Also, discard
perishable leftovers unless they can be safely chilled immediately after lunch and when they are brought home.

Keep Hot Foods Hot
If your child is taking hot soup, stew or chili for lunch, use an insulated container. Parents should fill the container with boiling water, let it stand for a few minutes, empty it, and then put the piping hot food in the container. Keep the container closed until lunchtime so the food stays hot. Between uses wash the container and rinse it with boiling water.

Keep Cold Foods Cold
Prepare the food the night before and store it in the refrigerator or freezer and pack the lunch in the
morning. Keep foods cold by using an ice pack or by freezing a juice box or sandwich. For
best quality, do not freeze sandwiches containing mayonnaise, lettuce, or tomatoes. Add these right
before eating. Frozen juice boxes and sandwiches will be thawed by lunch.

Bacteria (germs), viruses and parasites are everywhere in the environment! They are
organisms that you cannot see, smell, or taste. In fact, they can contaminate food and cause life-threatening illness. Foodborne illness (food poisoning) can strike anyone,
especially young children, pregnant women (it endangers their unborn babies too), older adults, and persons with weakened immune systems.

Before freezing a sandwich, spread a thin layer of butter or margarine on the bread to keep the bread
from getting soggy, then put the sandwich in a plastic freezer bag. Frozen sandwiches can keep for three to four weeks.

Food Guide
The following foods should be kept cold:
Meat, fish, poultry, bologna, luncheon meat and
hot dogs
Soft cheese
Cooked vegetables and
Dressing and gravy
Lunch combinations that include luncheon meats
with crackers, cheese and condiments
Yogurt and hard cheese
Raw fruits and vegetables

The following foods can be kept
safely at room temperature until
Peanut butter `
Baked goods
Butter or margarine
Dry cereal
Pickles, mustard, and ketchup
Dried meats, including beef
jerky and pepperoni
The following foods freeze well:
Cheddar cheese and cream
Peanut butter
Cooked egg yolks
Sliced or ground meat or

The following foods do not
freeze well:
Cooked egg whites

Packing Up Food Safety
In the morning rush, you can wrap up and pack food safety with your child’s school lunch, keeping
them healthy and happy!

Edible Eclipse

On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Why not make a tasty and fun snack to celebrate the day?

Edible Eclipse
  • 3 peach slices
  • 2 Tablespoons vanilla yogurt
  • 1/2 black plum
  1. Lay peach slices in a circle on a plate.
  2. Scoop yogurt on the peach slices.
  3. Top with the black plum half.
Makes 1 serving. Each serving contains 60 calories, 1 gram of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrate, 1 gram of fiber and 19 mg sodium.
This snack is not only great because it resembles the eclipse but it's also a great time to enjoy peaches and plums when they are at their peak in late summer. Here is a little more information on these delicious fruits:
  • Peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, and cherries are all closely related members of the Prunus genus. They are commonly referred to as stone fruits because their seeds are very large and hard like a stone.
  • If peaches or plums are too firm and need to ripen, place them in a loosely closed paper bag at room temperature. Check daily until soft enough to eat.
  • If you won't be eating the peaches right away after slicing, keep them from turning brown by sprinkling with orange juice.
  • Peaches and plums are tasty snacks eaten whole, chopped, or sliced. Add chopped peaches and plums to yogurt, cold cereal, or oatmeal to add sweetness and flavor. Peaches and plums can be mixed into the batter for pancakes, waffles, muffins, or bread.
  1. Peaches - Household USDA Foods Fact Sheet from USDA
  2. Stone Fruits: Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Apricots, and Cherries from Penn State

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Secretary Perdue Appoints New Leadership for Food Safety

Email: press@oc.usda.gov Secretary Perdue Appoints New Leadership for Food Safety (Washington, D.C., August 1, 2017) – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today made two key appointments to help fulfill the vital mission of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to ensure the safety of the nation’s food supply. Perdue announced that Carmen Rottenberg was selected as Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety and Paul Kiecker was named Acting Administrator for the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The two will serve in those capacities until presidential nominees are confirmed by the Senate for those roles. In making the announcements, Secretary Perdue issued this statement: “Ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply is our most important responsibility, and it’s one we undertake with great seriousness. Both Carmen and Paul have dedicated their careers to the mission of food safety and I am pleased to have appointed them to these important roles within the USDA,” said Secretary Perdue. “I commend the work of the entire USDA’s food safety team for painstakingly safeguarding the food we serve our families every single day.” Background: Carmen Rottenberg was appointed Acting Deputy Under Secretary for the USDA’s Office for Food Safety. In this position, she oversees development, implementation, and enforcement of all of FSIS regulations, policies, and programs. This appointment follows nearly six years in leadership roles in the FSIS Office of the Administrator, including serving as Chief of Staff, Chief Operating Officer and, most recently, Deputy Administrator. In those leadership roles, Rottenberg executed a budget of over $1 billion, prioritizing resources and resolving disputes, advancing the Agency’s vision and goals, and leading innovative solutions to challenges in FSIS. She spearheaded strategic planning at FSIS and implemented numerous initiatives to strategically move the agency forward. Rottenberg implemented two major reorganizations, leading to a more streamlined, efficient agency better positioned to carry out its food safety mission. Through her leadership and oversight, an early governance process matured into an established systematic approach to agency decision-making, resulting in more deliberative, science-based decisions that consider enterprise-wide risks and benefits. Rottenberg led the very successful i-Impact initiative, which has increased the awareness of and engagement in FSIS’s public health mission by the more than 9,000 employees throughout the Agency. Rottenberg joined FSIS as an Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist in 2007, and went on to become the Deputy Director of the Civil Rights Staff. She began her federal government career in the Federal Trade Commission’s Office of General Counsel, and previously worked as law clerk at a small law firm in Fairfax, VA. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy from Hope College in Holland, MI and a law degree from American University’s Washington College of Law. Paul Kiecker was named Acting Administrator for the FSIS. Throughout his 29 years with FSIS, he has been committed to a strong public health vision that has guided him to overcome obstacles, identify opportunities for improvement, manage resources efficiently, and achieve food safety objectives to prevent foodborne illness. Since joining FSIS in 1988 as a food inspector, Kiecker has served in a number of roles at the agency, most recently as Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Field Operations. He came to Washington, D.C. to serve as Executive Associate for Regulatory Operations, after serving as the District Manager in Springdale, AR and Madison, WI, as well as Deputy District Manager in Madison, WI. Kiecker’s experience with FSIS also includes work with the Office of Investigation, Enforcement, and Audit, where he has served as a Compliance Investigator and as Supervisory Compliance Officer. In his various positions with FSIS, Kiecker has played a critical role in leading external coordination with other federal agencies, state and local governments, nonprofit and private sector organizations, international organizations, and law enforcement agencies. He also has had oversight responsibility for strategic planning, policy formulation and implementation, budget development and execution, human resource management, and day-to-day inspection operations. #

Natalie Goldberg is first woman to lead NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station

Natalie Goldberg is first woman to lead NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station DATE: 08/01/2017 WRITER: Kristie Garcia, 575-646-4211, kmgarcia@nmsu.edu CONTACT: Natalie Goldberg, 575-646-3125, ngoldber@nmsu.edu When Natalie Goldberg joined New Mexico State University as an assistant professor and Extension plant pathologist in 1993, she wasn’t thinking about becoming an associate dean in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences someday. She was focused on plants. Whether it’s identifying a plant pest or determining the best pest management strategy, she loves working with plants. After all, she earned both her doctorate and master of science in plant pathology from the University of Arizona after receiving a bachelor of science in ornamental horticulture from Cal Poly Pomona. After working her way up to associate professor and professor at NMSU, she was asked to serve as the interim department head of Extension Plant Sciences in 2007. Soon after – very soon after – she was asked to drop the “interim” part of her title, and that appointment lasted 10 years. On July 1, Goldberg became the first woman to take the helm of the NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station. College of ACES Dean Rolando Flores announced in May that Goldberg would be the interim associate dean and director of AES. “Dr. Goldberg has extensive experience in managing a very successful Extension department that is characterized by outreach and applied research,” Flores said. “Her approach reflects the integration we need to have, as a land-grant university, between Extension and research activities.” The AES is not a physical location but an agricultural research system of NMSU scientists. Those scientists are located at 12 centers around the state, from the Fabian Garcia Research Center in Las Cruces to the Agricultural Science Center at Farmington, and from the John T. Harrington Forestry Research Center at Mora to the Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center north of Las Cruces. The first 23 acres of land was purchased for AES in 1906. Today, the AES system accounts for 94,884 acres of land across New Mexico. Since 1907, AES has been under the direction of about 16 different male associate deans. Just a few weeks into her new leadership role, there is no question about Goldberg’s top two priorities. She will analyze the budget and take part in a thorough review of all science centers. “The budget is one of my primary responsibilities, so I need to make sure that we stay within our allocated amount of funding,” Goldberg said. “We’re in a time when we’ve had some cuts, and there’s not a lot of reserve funding. I need to figure out how to balance building the reserve funding, but continue maintaining and hiring faculty. My theory going into the next legislative session is that we are not likely to see increased funding. If we continue to receive cuts in our funding, we’re going to need to make some tough financial decisions.” As far as reviewing all science centers, Goldberg will have some assistance. Prior to her appointment, Dean Flores had established an advisory committee of 17 members to assess each center and to analyze the AES system as a whole. The committee is comprised of six members from the agricultural industry, Goldberg, Associate Director of AES Steve Loring and four faculty members, one department head, two science center farm managers and two science center superintendents. Goldberg said the committee has gathered plenty of background data on the centers. “We need to look at how the centers are funded, where that money came from and how that money is being used,” she said. “Many of the centers were built on legislative support from their local constituency. For example, growers in the Artesia area were able to secure funding for faculty at that center. “We’ll work with this committee to conduct a very detailed review of each of the ag science centers. What are they providing that’s unique to the system and that’s important to their area? How are they impacting the agriculture in the immediate area that they serve? What are they doing globally? What are their immediate and longer-term infrastructure needs? This overall review is very important, and it’s one of my first tasks.” The committee had its first in-person meeting July 19. In her new role, Goldberg would also like to focus on the connections among science centers, between science centers and the College of ACES and between AES and the Cooperative Extension Service. “It’s not that the centers are operating independently, but I’d like to see even more connectivity,” she said. “There are certainly collaborations out there. And I’d like to see a more developed Extension–research connection.” Goldberg also acknowledged that she is much more familiar with the plant science aspect and needs to learn much more about the animal science side. She plans to explore partnership development between the science centers and the private sector in their communities. She has seen mutually beneficial partnerships formed between other universities and companies in the agricultural industry and said similar potential opportunities may exist for NMSU. Although overseeing AES will be demanding, Goldberg is no stranger to challenges. She took the NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic from a small desk in a tiny office with a couple of petri dishes and a salvaged microscope in 1993 to a fully accredited clinic by the National Plant Diagnostic Network last year. The only other labs with this designation are at Cornell University, the University of Florida and the Nevada Department of Agriculture. She hopes to find the same type of success in her new role with AES. For more information about the NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station, please visit aces.nmsu.edu/aes.

Hot Cars Can Quickly Become Deadly for Children

Hot summer days across the country have contributed to more than 29 child deaths so far this year from heatstroke when children were alone in vehicles. The Eddy County Extension office reminds caregivers to never leave children alone in cars, and if you see a child alone in a car, call 911.

Heatstroke, also known as hyperthermia, is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths for children. It occurs when the body isn’t able to cool itself quickly enough and the body temperature rises to dangerous levels. Young children are particularly at risk as their bodies heat up three to five times faster than an adult’s. Since 1998, more than 700 children across the United States have died from heatstroke when unattended in a vehicle.

"A car can heat up 19 degrees in 10 minutes. And cracking a window doesn’t help,” said Jennah McKinley, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent. “Heatstroke can happen anytime, anywhere. We don’t want to see this happen to any family. That’s why we are asking everyone to help protect kids from this very preventable tragedy by never leaving your child alone in a car, not even for a minute.”

Together, we can cut down the number of deaths and near misses by remembering to ACT.
•             A: Avoid heatstroke-related injury and death by never leaving your child alone in a car, not even for a minute. And make sure to keep your car locked when you’re not in it so kids don’t get in on their own. 
•             C: Create reminders by putting something in the back of your car next to your child such as a briefcase, a purse or a cell phone that is needed at your final destination. This is especially important if you’re not following your normal routine.
•             T: Take action. If you see a child alone in a car, call 911. Emergency personnel want you to call. They are trained to respond to these situations. One call could save a life.

Eddy County Extension Service and New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences is an engine for economic and community development in New Mexico, improving the lives of New Mexicans through academic, research, and extension programs. Eddy County Government, New Mexico State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating, to put knowledge to work.

For more information on preventing child heatstroke deaths, please visit www.noheatstroke.org  and www.safekids.org/heatstroke

Friday, July 7, 2017


FSPCA PREVENTIVE CONTROLS FOR HUMAN FOOD BLENDED COURSE for Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) Online and Instructor-led face-to-face training offered (English) New Mexico State University-Extension Food Technology will offer two dates to complete this training on August 31 and October 26, 2017 LOCATIONS FOR INSTRUCTOR -LED FACE-TO-FACE TRAINING AUGUST 31, 2017: NMSU, Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 303, Las Cruces, NM TIME: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm OCTOBER 26, 2017: NMSU, Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 322, Las Cruces, NM TIME: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm The Blended course consists of 2 parts. Part 1 is offered online by IFTPI for $198 and Part 2 is instructor-led face-to-face training. Both parts must be completed in order to obtain the certificate. The cost of the one-day course is $450.00 which includes the instruction, exercises to develop food safety plan, $50.00 certification fee, light refreshments and mid-day meal. IMPORTANT! Once you begin the process, you have up to six months to complete the Part 1: Online course. Upon completion, you have six months to complete a Part 2: Instructor-Led course. We recommend you have a Part 2: Instructor-Led course identified before enrolling in Part 1: Online. Before you enroll for Part 1: Online course, please read the background information to help you understand how the course is structured and what options will work best for you. FSPCA, FDA, IIT, IFSH Registered Instructors: Mauricio Castelo, Ph.D., Nancy Flores, Ph.D. Please see website for details and registration: http://aces.nmsu.edu/ces/foodtech/haccp.html *************************************************************************************************************************** SPANISH VERSION: FSPCA –Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance-PCQI Training and Certification Course CONTROLES PREVENTIVOS DE ALIMENTOS PARA HUMANOS CERTIFICACIÓN-PCQI CURSO OFICIAL REGISTRADO 2017 FSPCA-FDA 28, 29 y 30 de Agosto 2017, Universidad Estatal de Nuevo Mexico, Las Cruces NM, USA Los requisitos de inocuidad de alimentos han alcanzado nuevas exigencias. Conozca y practique la implementación de HARPC planes y obtenga su certificación de PCQI, además de prepararse para el cumplimiento de la reglamentación de FSMA en controles preventivos. Certificado: Se otorgara certificado de capacitacion registrado ante FSPCA Costo: $650 USD $600 USD antes del 16 de agosto Incluye coffee break, comida, materiales oficiales y certificado registrado ante FSPCA. Alojamiento y gastos de viaje no seran incluidos. Ubicación: NMSU, Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 303 Tiempo de clase: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm, (tres dias) Impartido por Instructors registrado, FSPCA - FDA - IIT – IFSH: Mauricio Castelo, PhD, Nancy Flores, PhD Para más información y inscripción: http://aces.nmsu.edu/ces/foodtech/fspca-preventive-control.html ____________________ Dr. Nancy Flores Food Technology Extension Specialist P.O. Box 30003, MSC-3AE Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003 Phone: 575 646-1179 Fax: 575 646-1889 Email: naflores@nmsu.edu For registration: Gloria Hernandez Administrative Assistant, Associate College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Extension Family & Consumer Sciences PO Box 30003, MSC-3AE Las Cruces, NM 88003 Ph: 575.646.2198; Fx: 575 646-1889 Email: glorhern@nmsu.edu “Our Mission in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences is to improve the lives of New Mexicans, the nation, and the world through research, teaching and extension.”

Monday, June 19, 2017

Spanish versions of the following CES publications are now available online in PDF format

Spanish versions of the following CES publications are now available online in PDF format. Guía E-132: Porciones y medidas de ingredientes Traducido por Sylvia Gabriela Phillips y revisado por Cassandra Vanderpool http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_e/E132_sp.pdf Guía E-134: Tips para alimentar niños en edad prescolar Traducido por Sylvia Gabriela Phillips y revisado por Cassandra Vanderpool http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_e/E134_sp.pdf

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Pecan Nut Case bearer Spray Time Is Earlier than the past years

Pecan Nut Case bearer Spray Time Is Earlier than the past years Carlsbad, NM,— It is that time of the year again to be thinking about spraying for Pecan Nut Case bearer (PNC). Population projections are not very reliable this year because of the strange weather. We have not had a drop in minimum daily temperature since bud break in Pecans like those that we did last year. I estimated bud break to be March 30 this year but it varies up and down the valley. Some reported as early as March 26 and other as late as 10 April. Using a Heat unit model developed by Texas A & M Cooperative Extension Service, the Eddy County Cooperative Extension Service predicts the Pecan Nut Case bearer would be earlier this year. Based on the adapted PNC heat unity model, crop protection chemicals may be necessary around May 22-May 29. However, this may need to be revised aw weather may change as we progress. Also reported moth counts in pheromone traps will bring this to a more accurate prediction. Computer predictions are best used to plan when to set out pheromone traps, look for eggs and to plan insecticide application but are not reliable enough to be the only source of information to make application decisions. This year may prove this. Orchard scouting for eggs should begin two weeks before the predicted spray date as unusual weather conditions near the spray date, can either accelerate or delay egg-laying activity. I am getting reports of third generation larva in the shoots of new growth; these are from crop years 2014 and have managed to over winter to this spring. This is usual for this valley. Most Case bearer eggs are found at the tip of the nutlet, either on the top or hidden just under the tiny leaves at the tip of the nut let. A good hand lens is necessary to determine their development, (hatched, white, or pink). Also, look for bud feeding just below the nut cluster to detect the presence of newly hatched larvae. You should examine 10 nut clusters per tree. A cluster infested if it has a Case bearer egg or nut entry. If two or more clusters that are infested, insecticide applications may be necessary. Application should be two days after the eggs hatch. If no infested clusters are found, you should check again two days later. Keep checking until June 15. If by this date an infestation is not found insecticide application should not be required, for the first generation. Scouting for the seconded generation should start June 30 as currently predicted by the heat unit model. Caution is required when selection of a pesticide for backyard trees because of the great potential for spray drift onto nearby garden, pets, and living areas. Homeowner can only use products containing Carbaryl, and Malathion. Refer to label instructions for mixing and application rates and precautions. It is in violation of federal law to apply any chemical in any manner except what is on the label. Commercial orchards may use the above products or Interpid, Chlorpyrifos (Lordsban) (Cobalt), Confirm 2F, Pyrethroid or Spintor insecticide. Interpid is the product has a very good residual and is very effective and much safer than Oregano Phosphates and is the current product of choice. It does not harm predatory insects. This product is very safe for use around people. The fact it is not labeled for homeowner is a disappointment, because it is safer than some products, which is labeled for non-restricted use. Pecan nut Case bearer is one of the most important nut infesting insect pests of pecans. It is found in most the pecan growing areas from the east coast to Eddy County New Mexico. The Case bearer larva tunnels into nut lets shortly after pollination, often destroying all of the nut lets in the cluster. The most effective and reliable method of control is a well-timed insecticide application(s) made in the spring to kill hatching larvae before they tunnel into the nut lets. However, insecticides should only be applied if an infestations and nut load justify treatment. Subscribe to Eddy County Ag news at: http://nmsueddyag.blogspot.com/ Eddy County Extension Service, New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. All programs are available to everyone regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. New Mexico State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Eddy County Government Cooperating.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Prescribed burn targets 4K acres in Lincoln Forest

Prescribed burn targets 4K acres in Lincoln Forest The Solider Prescribed Fire project is scheduled to be from April 24 to May 5 and located about 40 miles southwest of Carlsbad. Lincoln National Forest is planning to treat up to 4,300 acres in the Guadalupe Ranger District with a prescribed fire, according to a news release from the U.S. Forest Service. The "Soldier Prescribed Fire" project is scheduled between April 24 to May 5 and will treat an area of the park located about 40 miles southwest of Carlsbad and five miles south of Queen. "Fire plays an extremely important role in the ecological health of the Guadalupe Ranger District, and the intent of the Soldier Prescribed Fire is to reintroduce fire into the specified landscape with heightened ability to provide fire controllability and achievement of resource objectives," said Tom Barta, Guadalupe Ranger District fire management officer, via email.

NMDA leads inbound trade mission with Sonora, Mexico

For Immediate Release: Contact: Shelby Herrera 575-646-3007 office (LAS CRUCES, N.M.) – A recent trade mission has revived New Mexico Department of Agriculture’s (NMDA) efforts to help ranchers in the Land of Enchantment develop markets in foreign lands. Deputy Director Anthony Parra and Juan Sanchez of NMDA’s Marketing and Development Division, hosted 10 cattlemen from Sonora, Mexico. These cattlemen were introduced to local seed stock producers in the eastern part of the state. The Sonoran Cattlemen were able to see firsthand the quality of New Mexico’s livestock genetics and how those genetics will work on their ranches. The inbound mission included ranch tours and a visit to a bull sale at the Roswell Livestock Auction. “The buyers not only had the opportunity to view live animals, but also got to experience how cattle ranches and livestock auctions operate in New Mexico,” Sanchez said. Parra also added that during the mission 10 bulls were exported to Sonora, and contracts signed for over 70 heifers to be exported to Mexican producers. The trade mission was an action item set forth by the New Mexico-Sonora Commission in the 2016 plenary meeting. The commission’s purpose is to provide a forum for discussions and resolutions for issues of mutual concern to the governments of New Mexico and Sonora. “The program is extremely beneficial to producers on both the sides of the US / Mexico border,” Parra said. “It provides ranchers from Mexico, access to high quality genetics to sustain the quality of the programs and ensure diversity. The producers on the US side gain access to new markets and new partnerships to achieve future growth,” he added. Due to a shortage of genetics in Sonora, the inbound mission was created to provide opportunity for the Sonoran producers to improve their operations by investing in New Mexico genetics. On May 1-3, 2017, NMDA will be participating in an outbound mission hosted by the Sonora State Department of Agriculture (SAGARPHA) and the Union Ganadera Regional de Sonora (UGRS) in Hermosillo, Sonora. Seed stock producers are invited to participate in the mission which will include visits to the international import/export facilities, ranch tours, and attendance to the famous ExpoGan (state’s livestock expo). “The outbound mission will afford producers the opportunity to grow relationships while granting the US producers the opportunity to visit Mexican operations and understand how they operate,” Parra said. NMDA will also be attending the Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Ganaderas (CNOG) Trade show in Durango, Mexico on May 14-17, 2017. Sanchez invites producers from across New Mexico to send him their brochures and catalogs so they can be shared at the U.S. Livestock Genetics Export booth. For more information about these opportunities, contact Juan Sanchez at 575-646-4929 or at jsanchez@nmda.nmsu.edu

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Managing Risk and Thinking Ahead’ drought workshop set for April 26 in Clovis

Managing Risk and Thinking Ahead’ drought workshop set for April 26 in Clovis DATE: 04/19/2017 WRITER: Kristie Garcia, 575-646-4211, kmgarcia@nmsu.edu CONTACT: Caiti Steele, 575-646-4144, caiti@nmsu.edu If you’re a farmer, dairy owner or rancher in Eastern New Mexico or West Texas, you may want to attend the “Managing Risk and Thinking Ahead” workshop from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, in Clovis, New Mexico. The workshop is at the Curry County Events Center Indoor Pavilion, located on the Curry County Fairgrounds at 900 E. Brady Ave. Experts from the New Mexico State University College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences will speak at the workshop. State climatologist Dave DuBois, assistant professor in the NMSU Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, will speak about recent weather events and impacts. From the NMSU Agricultural Science Center at Clovis, agronomist Rajan Ghimire, agricultural research scientist Sultan Begna and superintendent and weed specialist Abdel Mesbah will discuss alternative cropping and crop management with limited water. Attendees will discuss challenges related to weather and climate, as well as the resources and research needed to support farm-level decision making. Topics for the workshop include: - Historical climate trends - Short- and medium-range weather forecasts - Drought tools and early warning resources - Forage nutrition and alternative cropping with limited water - U.S. Department of Agriculture programs Experts from the National Drought Mitigation Center, National Weather Service, Texas Tech, Kansas State, Dairy Nutrition and Management Consulting LLC and Farm Service Agency will also give presentations. Presentations will highlight the potential impact of drought and limited water conditions on agriculture in the Southern High Plains in New Mexico and West Texas. Information will also be provided about local and regional resources that are available to help manage and monitor impacts from drought and other severe weather events. The workshop is supported by the National Integrated Drought Information System and the USDA Southwest Climate Hub. “We are very pleased to be able to offer a workshop that covers some important issues facing agricultural producers in the Southern High Plains,” said Caiti Steele, USDA Southwest Climate Hub Deputy Director. “Drought, extreme weather and limited water resources present very real challenges to profitable agricultural production. We want to hear from crop, dairy and livestock producers about what kinds of information and technical support they think will help in their decision-making and risk management.” Registration is free. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided. To register, go to http://swclimatehub.info. For more information contact Caiti Steele at 575-646-4144 or caiti@nmsu.edu. - 30 - Follow NMSU News on Twitter: http://twitter.com/nmsunews Follow NMSU News on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NMSUNews

Monday, April 17, 2017

Parenting After Domestic Violence


Building Resilience in Children and Teens


Parenting Your Child With Developmental Delays and Disabilities


How to develop strong communities


Supporting Military Families


Support after an adoption


Raising your Kin


10 ways to be a better dad


Teen Parents---You are not alone!


Connecting with your Teen


Parenting your school-aged child


Dealing with Temper Tantrums


Bonding with your baby


Human Trafficking: Protecting Our Youth


Helping your child heal from trauma


Managing your finances


Managing Stress


2017-crop loan rate differentials for upland and extra-long staple cotton

Release No. 0045.17 Contact: Isabel Benemelis (202)720-7809 WASHINGTON, April 17, 2017 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) today announced the 2017-crop loan rate differentials for upland and extra-long staple cotton. The differentials, also referred to as loan rate premiums and discounts, have been calculated based on market valuations of various cotton quality factors for the prior three years. This calculation procedure is identical to that used in past years. The Commodity Credit Corporation adjusts cotton loan rates by these differentials so that cotton loan values reflect the differences in market prices for color, staple length, leaf, extraneous matter, micronaire, length uniformity, and strength. The 2017-crop differential schedules are applied to the 2017-crop loan rate of 49.49 cents per pound for the base grade of upland cotton and 79.77 cents per pound for extra-long staple cotton. The 2014 Farm Bill stipulates that the upland cotton loan rate ranges between 45 to 52 cents per pound, based on the simple average of the adjusted world price for the two marketing years preceding sowing of the ensuing year’s crop. The loan rate provided to an individual cotton bale is based on the quality of each individual bale as determined by Agricultural Marketing Service classing measurements. The tables of these loan rate differentials are available on the FSA website at http://go.usa.gov/3W8tV. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Erik Dohlman at (202) 720-4284 or by email at Erik.Dohlman@wdc.usda.gov. USDA is an equal opportunity lender, provider and employer.

Preventing Sexual Abuse


Feeding your family


Making Healthy Connections with Your Family


Keeping your family strong


Preparing Your Family for an Emergency


Find Housing Help for Your Family


NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH 2017:Tip Sheets for Parents and Caregivers

Strength-based tip sheets on specific parenting topics that can be used in discussions or visits with caregivers, and calendars of activities to help programs, parents, and community partners celebrate Child Abuse



Information about why child abuse occurs, risk factors, consequences, identifying and reporting maltreatment, and supporting parents and children with a history of trauma. 


NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH 2017: Using Protective Factors as a Framework for Your Community Partnership

Strategies to help build community awareness and support the development of broad-based, meaningful community partnerships. 

NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH 2017: Working With Families Using the Protective Factors

Detailed information about six protective factors for preventing child maltreatment and tips for infusing them into programs and direct practice with families and children. 


NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH 2017: Approaches to Building Community and Hope

Information about protective factors that help reduce child abuse and neglect, some established protective factors approaches, and how some State and local agencies are implementing protective factors approaches to create lasting change in how communities support families. 


Monday, April 3, 2017


BUGS My master’s degree is in medical and veterinary entomology, so when I get a chance to write about an odd happening in this field. I recently had a citizen who had a bat get into their house and roosted above her bed unfortunately and it took her a couple of day to get this unwanted houseguest removed and released to a place where both were much happier. After a few days, she had bites on her. She captured a few insects on tape that resembled bed bugs, brought these insect in for identification, and related her story about the bat. Breaking out the microscope and key to the cimex genera, I identified these as bat bugs, which to a Medical Veterinary Entomologist is extremely interesting, having been in NM my entire life and Eddy County for about 27 years I have never come across these before. The family Cimicidiae are blood-sucking insects that feed on birds and/or mammals. There are five member of this family present in New Mexico the notorious bed bug (Cimex lectularius) along with a close cousin the Bat bug (Cimex pilosellus), Swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarious), Poultry bug (Hamatoisphon inodorus) and Wood pecker bug (Hesperocimex coloradensis) which is mostly on the Colorado border on wood peckers and owls. In this article I am only talking about the bat bug (Cimex pilosellus), but some of this information can be applied to all. Prior to increase in bed bug, the bat bug was the most common bug found in homes in Colorado, according to Extension Entomologist with CSU. Bat bugs develop in colonies of roosting bats, which sometime occur in attics or behind walls of buildings. Bat bugs may move into human living areas and incidentally bite people. This happen more often after the bats either migrate or are removed from a roosting area. However, these insects are host specific and in the absences of a bat host, they cannot sustain and reproduce. They usually die out within a few weeks without the bat host, unlike its cousin the bed bug that does quite well on humans. The bites are however itchy and unpleasant but there are no known pathogens that are transmitted or vectored by the bed bugs or bat bug. Control of bat bugs focus on management on the roosting bats that are the original source of the insect. Removal and exclusion of the bats will prevent future infestations as the bat bugs will ultimately die –out in the absence of their bat hosts. However, like this citizen the problem may temporarily increase as the existing bat bugs migrate in search of new hosts. Any method of sealing off the area of bat roosting and human leaving space is useful to prevent these insects quest. If all ready in the human living space, the same treatment for bed bugs will help eliminate this temporary problem. Subscribe to Eddy County Ag news at: http://nmsueddyag.blogspot.com/ Eddy County Extension Service, New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. All programs are available to everyone regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. New Mexico State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Eddy County Government Cooperating

USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. You are subscribed to USDA Office of Communications. Release No. 0027.17 Contact: USDA Office of Communications press@oc.usda.gov (202) 720-4623 USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers WASHINGTON, April 3, 2017 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) today announced that it is increasing the delivery of safe food handling and preparation information by expanding the hours of its Meat and Poultry Hotline and Ask Karen chat services. As detailed in the Agency’s 2017-2021 Strategic Plan, FSIS is focusing on the reduction of foodborne illness, and one way to contribute to that reduction is to increase public awareness of safe food handling information. FSIS’ Meat and Poultry Hotline has been educating consumers since 1985. The toll-free telephone service assists in the prevention of foodborne illnesses by answering consumers’ questions about the safe storage, handling and preparation of meat, poultry and egg products. Beginning today, the hotline will be open for two additional hours, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. “Our hotline provides a valuable service in educating consumers about how to safely prepare food,” said FSIS Administrator Al Almanza. “By keeping the hotline open an additional two hours, we are expanding our reach to allow more consumers, including those on the West Coast, to have their food safety questions answered.” The hotline is accompanied by Ask Karen, a 24-hour online service that provides answers to thousands of frequently asked questions and also allows consumers to email or live-chat with a food safety specialist during operating hours. For 32 years the Meat and Poultry Hotline has answered questions about food manufacturer recalls, food poisoning, food safety during power outages, and the inspection of meat, poultry and egg products. From novice cooks roasting their first turkey to experienced food handlers asking about foodborne bacteria, the Meat and Poultry Hotline has answered more than 3 million calls since its inception. “Our hotline staff are experts in their field and have backgrounds in nutrition, food technology and public health,” said Almanza. “Experts are available to talk with people in English and Spanish, so we are able to help address the food safety needs of diverse communities.” Consumers can contact the Meat and Poultry Hotline to speak to a live food expert at 1-888-674-6854, or visit Ask Karen to chat or email (in English or Spanish), Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time/7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pacific Time. # ________________________________________ Contact Us STAY CONNECTED: SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences | Delete profile | Help ________________________________________ This email was sent to whoughto@nmsu.edu using GovDelivery, on behalf of: USDA Office of Communications · 1400 Independence Ave SW · Washington DC 20250 If you have questions about USDA activities, please visit our Ask the Expert page. This feature is designed to assist you in obtaining the information you are seeking. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February is National Canned Food Month: Check out this link for helpful tips & healthy recipes

February is National Canned Food Month. Here are some of the things to celebrate about canned food and links to several tasty and quick canned food recipes. You probably already have most of the ingredients in your kitchen. 
  • Canned foods are always there for you as a safe source of nutritious food if the electricity goes out or if you can't get to the store.
  • You can store canned foods in any cool, dry place in your house. Ample refrigerator and freezer storage is not an issue.
  • The pre-preparation is done for you ... making it easier for you to get a healthy meal on the table in a hurry. 
  • Canned foods compare favorably to fresh and frozen foods in nutrition. 
  • Canned foods have a long shelf life. 
Here's a fun fact about canned tomato products from my Extension colleagues in VermontCanned tomato products have more lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes and tomato products, than fresh tomatoes. The heating process makes lycopene more easily absorbed.
Enjoy eating foods in a variety of forms — fresh, frozen, dried and canned. Each of them can be part of a healthy diet! 

  • Fruity Frozen Fudge Pops (Canned pears/Source: Canned Food Alliance)
  • Apricot Pops  (Canned apricots/Source: Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
  • Mixed Fruit Salad (Canned mandarin oranges, fruit cocktail and pineapple chunks/Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, What's Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl)
  • Three Bean Pasta Salad (Canned kidney beans, chickpeas and green beans/Canned Food Alliance) 
  • 10 Minute Chili (Canned tomato sauce/Source: Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
  • Easy Bean Dip (Canned refried beans/Source: Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
  • Slopppy Joe 5 Ways (Canned tomato sauce/Source: Beef It's What's for Dinner, Cattlemen's Beef Board and National Cattlemen's Beef Association
  • Quick Black Bean Salsa (Canned black beans/Source: Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
  • Salmon Patties (Canned salmon/Source: Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
  • Tuna Melt Sandwich (Canned tuna/Source: Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
  • Three Bean Bake (Canned Great Northern beans, pork and beans, and light or dark kidney beans/Source K-State Research & Extension Family Nutrition Program, Kids A Cookin')

Monday, February 13, 2017

Wildlife water project bring partners together

Wildlife water project draws partners together Ruidoso News By Dianne L Stallings …The project involved a partnership of multiple agencies, a working rancher with a science background and volunteers willing to invest their muscle and sweat to finish the on-ground installation. The result will benefit wildlife and livestock in a self-sustaining network of a productive well, storage, pumps, a float box, overflow pipes, tough and dirt tank…"We’ve done a lot of improvements on the ranch that have helped the wildlife tremendously and that’s where the idea for this came from. Everything we do for wildlife obviously helps livestock as well. We’ve added a lot of small little ponds for surface water and in doing so, we’ve seen a tremendous increase in wildlife populations during the drought, everything from quail and rabbits all the way up to antelope and deer."

State Land Commissioner and Agriculture Industry Agree to New Grazing Fee

State Land Commissioner and Agriculture Industry Agree to New Grazing Fee State Land Office Press Release State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn this week met with members of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association, the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau, and the Northern New Mexico Stockmen’s Association who agreed to support a 3.38% increase in grazing fees for livestock on State Trust Lands. The current fee of $5.99 per Animal Unit Month (AUM) is effective until September 30, 2017 and the new fee of $6.19 will take effect October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018.The factors adjust agricultural lease rental fees up or down depending on the value of forage and economic conditions in the livestock industry. Industry leaders who support the increase include Craig Ogden, President of the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau, who said, “The grazing fee formula works in its present form.”

Mike Corn Elected to American Sheep Industry President.

New Mexico Sheepman Elected to Industry’s Top Position Barn Media Press Release The 2017 American Sheep Industry Association Convention wrapped up on Saturday, Jan. 28, with the election of New Mexico sheep producer Mike Corn as the organization’s new president…Corn said he is humbled to lead the organization and that “It is an honor to be selected to lead the industry that my family has worked in for four generations. We have a great opportunity in the coming year to make some changes for this industry. I feel that there are positive things ahead for us and we have a great executive team in place that is up to the challenge.” The Corn family has been raising sheep in the Roswell area since the 1880s. He owns and operates his own ranch and raises white-faced, fine-wool sheep, mainly a merino cross. Corn is also the majority owner of the Roswell Wool Warehouse.